Nottingham > Presentations > Soil & Sand

Selected Presentations

Complete list | Public Understanding | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Soil & Sand | Materials & Surfaces | Abhesion & Slip | Liquid Marbles, EWOD & DEP | Superhydrophobicity & Acoustic Waves | Acoustic Wave Sensors | SAW Theory | Selected Others

"From infiltrating droplets to rolling balls".
An invited talk on superhydrophobicity on reconfigurable surfaces, at the Bouyoucos Conference, Florida, USA. April 2007.

File: "Bouyoucos April 2007 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"
Weblink: Bouyoucos Conference 2007

"Wetting of hydrophobic beads and sand".
A talk on superhydrophobicity on reconfigurable surfaces, at the European Science Foundation Solid-Fluid Interfaces Meeting, Obergurgl, Austria. September 2006.

File: "ESF Solid Fluid Interfaces September 2006 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"
Weblink: European Science Foundation

"Soil Water Repellency: A materials view".
A discussion of how superhydrophobicity might relate to naturally occurring extreme water repellency, at the European Geoscience Union Congress, Vienna, Austria. April 2005.

File: "EGU Soil April 2005 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"
Weblink: Dr Stefan Doerr's web page